About us

We are Christians with a non-majority sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBT+). Together we create a safe space, where we can meet, get to know each other personally, grow intellectually and spiritually and experience acceptance. We ask ourselves questions and solve problems, about which we normally cannot talk in our churches, families or at work. We also try to positively change our surrounding, churches and society to more open, tolerant and accepting space. Lately we are meeting under the name SIGNUM, but you can know us from the past as a GayChristians Slovakia (GCS) community.

History of our community dates back to the times of secret Church, since when it has been through lot of development stages and names (Medzipriestor, GayChristians Slovakia). Our present name SIGNUM – Rainbow Christians and the form of a civic association was accepted in September 2019.

As a non-formal group, we became in 2017 a founding member of the Global Network of Rainbow Christians (GNRC) and in 2018 we joined the European Forum of Christian LGBT Groups (EF) and by that we became a member of a wider family of similar groups around the world. Membership in these transnational organizations gives us the certainty of ideological anchoring and many new opportunities to educate ourselves, to travel, to attend conferences and meet our foreign LGBT+ brothers and sisters in faith.

Our value principles:

  1. We are certain that our sexuality is a unique and blessed gift from God, which can be enjoyed in responsible liberty and faithful partner love.
  2. Both faith and sexual orientation are reflecting without differences across countries, skin color, gender and gender identity, age or denomination, and that is why we are inclusive and ecumenical within Christianity.
  3. We refuse treatment or therapeutic procedures directed to change or suppress our sexual orientation and we do not see it as an inclination, feeling or a temporary condition.

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