Media library

Now this is a yes

In several years we have found a great amount of useful and encouraging books and movies of good quality. We want to share them with you and recommend the best from the LGBT+ & religion genre. All the following items are available in our collection and we would love to rent them to you.

Documentary movies

  • Call Me Troy (2007)
  • For the Bible Tells Me So (2007)
  • In Good Conscience: Sister Jeannine Gramick’s Journey of Faith (2004)
  • Through My Eyes (2009)


  • Boy Erased (2018)
  • Latter Days (2003)
  • Prayers for Bobby (2009)
  • Save Me (2007)
  • The Big Gay Musical (2009)
  • The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)
  • The Priest (1994)
  • The Seminarian (2010)


  • Achtemeier, M. (2015). The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of Heart. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN: 978-0664262181.
  • Alison, J. (2001). Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay. Crossroad Publishing Co, U.S. ISBN: 978-0824519223.
  • Bass, E., Kaufman, K. (2003). Love is love: A book for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth and their allies. (From original: Láska je láska: Knižka pre lesbickú, gejskú a bisexuálnu mládež a jej spojencov.) Bratislava: Aspekt.
  • Beardsley, C., O’Brien, M. (2016). This is my body: Hearing the theology of transgender Christians. London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-232-53206-7.
  • Boswell, J. (1981). Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century. University Of Chicago Press. ISBN: 978-0226067117.
  • Brzek, A., Pondělíčková-Mašlová, J. (1992). Third gender? (From original: Třetí pohlaví?) Prague: Scientia medica.
  • Cleaver, R. (1995). Know My Name. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN: 978-0664255763.
  • Comstock, G. D., Henking, S. E. (1997). Que(e)ring Religion: A Critical Anthology. New York: Continuum.
  • For I Am Wonderfully made: Texts on Eastern Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusion. (2016). The European LGBT Forum. ISBN: 978-90-8883-023-5.
  • Gramick, J. (1988). The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the „Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons “. Crossroad Pub Co. ISBN: 978-0824508647.
  • Helminiak, D. A. (2007).  What does the Bible actually say about homosexuality? (From original: Co vlastně Bible říká o homosexualitě?) Brno: Center for the Study of Democracy and Culture.
  • Jung, P. B. (2001). Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward The Development Of Moral Theology. Michael Glazier. ISBN: 978-0814659397.
  • Lings, K. R. (2013). Love Lost In Translation: Homosexuality and the Bible. USA: Trafford. ISBN: 978-1-4669-9789-0.
  • Martin, J., SJ (2017). Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity. New York: HarperOne. ISBN: 978-0-06-269431-7.
  • Martin, J., SJ (2018). Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity. New York: HarperOne. ISBN: 978-0-06-283753-0.
  • Ondrisová, S., Šípošová, M., Červenková, I., Jójárt, P., Bianchi, G. (2002). Invisible minority: What do we (not) know about sexual orientation. (From original: Neviditeľná menšina: Čo (ne)vieme o sexuálnej orientácii.) Citizen and Democracy Foundation. IBAN: 80-968528-5-X.
  • Putna, C. M. (2012). Christianity and homosexuality: attempt for integration (From original: Křesťanství a homosexualita: pokusy o integraci.) Prague: Torst.
  • Schexnayder, J. A. (2011). Setting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Their Families. ISBN: 978-1461146346.
  • Shinnick, M. (1997). This Remarkable Gift: Being Gay and Catholic. Allen & Unwin. ISBN: 978-1864484625.
  • Spencer, C. (1999). The history of homosexuality (From original: Dejiny homosexuality.) Bratislava: Slovart.
  • Ščepková, M. (2002).  Homosexuality, a way of self-transcendence? a short study of Christian approach towards the reality of homosexual orientation.  (From original: Homosexualita, cesta seba transcendencie? krátka štúdia o kresťanskom prístupe k realite homosexuálnej orientácie.) Bratislava: Publishing House Oto Németh.
  • Taylor, S., Barnes, H. (2015). And God saw it was all very good: Catholic LGBT People in Europe Telling Their Stories. Leipzig: Esuberanza. ISBN: 978-90-8883-015-0.
  • Vines, M. (2014). God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships. Convergent Books. ISBN: 978-1601425164.
  • Queer Ways of Theology. (2016). Warsaw. ISBN: 978-83-939601-2-5.

Lectures and discussions

Visit our YouTube channel for lots of other digital content.

I’d rather not

Unfortunately, there are also many books and movies which can be confusing for the audience and give them false hope. As a warning, so that you can safely avoid them in the future, we are listing them here. 

Documentary movies

  • The Third Way (2014)

Books and booklets

  • van den Aardweg, G. J. M. (2014). What homosexuality is not. What homosexuality is. How can homosexuality be overcome. (From original: Čo homosexualita nie je. Čo homosexualita je. Ako sa dá homosexualita prekonať.) Bratislava: Line Valentine and Forum of life.
  • Anatrella, T. (2015). Gender theory and the origin of homosexuality (From original: Rodová teória a pôvod homosexuality.) Trnava: Society of St. Adalbert.
  • Cretella, M. A., M.D. (2014).  Who am I? Psychology, religion and attraction to the same sex (From original: Kto som? Psychológia, viera a príťažlivosť k rovnakému pohlaviu.) Bratislava: Line Valentine and Forum of life.
  • Daniel-Ange. (1994).  Homosexual person, who are you? Where are you going? (From original: Homosexuál, kto si? Kam ideš?) Bratislava: Familiaris.
  • Harvey, F. J. (2006). Attraction of the same sex: Guidelines for parents and educators. (From original: Príťažlivosť rovnakého pohlavia: Usmernenie pre rodičov a vychovávateľov.) Trebišov.
  • Kuby, G. (2013). Global sexual revolution. (From original: Globálna sexuálna revolúcia.) Bratislava: Lúč.
  • Laun, A. (2003). Homosexuality from the Catholic point of view. (From original: Homosexualita z katolického pohledu.) Olomouc: Array of Cyril and Methodius.
  • Luck, V. (2017). Third way: The stories of men and women experiencing homosexual inclination, single or married, from Slovakia and foreign countries. (From original: Tretia cesta: Príbehy mužov a žien prežívajúcich homosexuálnu náklonnosť, slobodných i žijúcich v manželstve, zo Slovenska i zahraničia.) Bratislava: Line Valentine and Forum of life. ISBN: 978-80-969882-2-8.
  • Raučinová, M. (2014). Gender: absurdities which won´t leave us alone. (From original: Gender: absurdnosti, ktoré nás nenechajú na pokoji.) Bratislava: Forum of life.
  • Raučinová, M. (2015).  About marriage and family: new forms and their absurdities. (From original: O manželstve a rodine: nové formy a ich absurdnosti.) Bratislava: Forum of life.
  • Smrek, P. (2021). The Man’s Journey: How to Live with the Same-sex Attraction. (From original: Cesta muža: Ako žiť s príťažlivosťou k rovnakému pohaviu.) Bratislava: Lúč. 978-80-8179-187-1.

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