Support us

Each of us is unique, so the form you can support us may not be uniform. If you like the idea of ​​our mission, if you would like to change something, or you just like us, consider the following ways:


Along with fasting is perhaps the most effective spiritual remedy. Please remember us from time to time in prayers, rainbow Christians, LGBT+ people around you, our churches and their leaders. Or add all of this to your regular prayer intentions.

Financial gift

As a civic association, we have a bank account, that allows us to pay for various items, e.g. promotional materials or membership fees to international organizations that SIGNUM is part of. If you would like to financially support some of our specific projects and activities or just contribute to the general operation of the association, you can do so by sending any amount to IBAN SK19 8330 0000 0025 0171 0843. Please state “gift” in the note.


Join us in the team of organizational volunteers. We urgently need fresh reinforcements, people willing to dedicate their free time and a good heart to the association and the community. There are few of us and everything we do, we do in our free time and for free. If this does not discourage you and you are interested in communicating with people, organizing events, planning meetings or just realizing yourself in various projects, the first step is to contact us.


Do you have friends, acquaintances, family members for whom our association and activities would be beneficial? Tell them about us. In order to know about us for as many people as possible, it helps us in today’s modern world, even if, for example, you give us a “like” on Facebook or share one of our posts.

Thank you!